CHAPTER “Children Help Movement Against Physical Threatening and Emotional Repression”
Main Objectives
Physical violence against children and youth has serious negative impact on their personality. In particular, Corporal Punishment (CP) is largely ignored as a form of physical violence.
In order to take the necessary steps to ensure the defence of children’s rights against physical violence, “Hope for Children” CRC Policy Center, in partnership with PULSE Foundation (Bulgaria), EVRIS Foundation (Iceland), National Network for Children (Bulgaria) and ADFP Foundation (Portugal), is currently implementing the CHAPTER project.
Started on 1st December 2016, the project aims to increase knowledge and skills on positive parenting and upbringing in an accepting, constructive and fulfilling way. Specifically, the objectives are:
- To develop a methodological approach for presenting the problem and rethinking CP;
- To raise awareness on the consequences of CP has on children and youth;
- To explore and disseminate "best practices" at international level;
- To coordinate the efforts of various social structures and communities to work in direction of legislative changes and virtually eliminate the issue.
Expected results
The final result of this project is:
- Created a comprehensive program of care for the empowerment of children and their parents, as well as created a closed cycle of prevention, detection, guidance, rehabilitation and integration of children and young people suffering from CP.
More specifically:
- Innovative and enriched the concept for transferring good practices in the participating countries;
- Improved knowledge, skills, understanding and networking of child rights;
- Established methodologies for training of children, parents and professionals;
- Access to high quality, innovative training guides/resources;
- Reduced risks of future victimisation;
- Visible change of society attitude regarding CP.
The activities are the followings:
- Developing a methodology for working with children, parents and professionals and prevention programs against CP of children. Specifically, transferring and piloting of Icelandic experience, as well as creating program for training of trainers;
- Strengthening the framework for protection of children's rights, facilitating access to justice, medical and psychological support to victims;
- Dissemination of knowledge and information tools in a multidisciplinary approach;
- Raising awareness among parents, authorities and society regarding the prohibition of CP through training seminars, national information campaigns, round tables, international conferences and networking;
- Lobbying for legislation changes.
Funding Reference
The CHAPTER project is co-financed by the Rights, Equality and & Citizenship Programme of the European Commission (Ref. JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/CORP/9176).
All publications have been produced with the financial support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme (2014-2020) of the European Union. The contents of all the publications are the sole responsibility of 'Hope For Children' CRC Policy Center and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission which accepts no liability for the usage of information included in.
The National Report of "Chapter" project produced is available here.