“5 Shades of Blue” is a one year European project providing a training course on project management focused on migration. It is inspired by the colour of the sea and by t…
At-risk youth transitioning into Adulthood through social Circus Training (CIRCUS A.C.T.) aims at easing the transition into adulthood of youth at-risk of social exclusio…
Engaging diaspora and migrant COMMunities in the protection of the rIghTs of the child (COMMIT) is a transnational project involving organizations from four European coun…
REBOOT NOW is a child-centered transnational piloting initiative aimed at preventing combating gender-based violence (GBV) among children/young people by supporting their…
Enhancing children’s participation through Digital Complaints and Reporting (Children Digi-CORE) is a project between Italy (University Degli Studi di Torino, Associazion…
Creative empowerment for Europe’s disadvantaged youth. The new European project “Bigtime Takeover aims at empowering young people to use their creativity and the potentia…
Formalising the European Barnahus Movement through establishing training in Europe and a formal network. This project aims to ensure a systematic, accelerated, and sustai…
CARE project aims at investigating what is the trauma that children may experience during the processes of investigation, removal and out-of-home placement and what can f…
Voices for respect, celebrating difference, and tackling hate (YCreate) is a Strategic Partnership between the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, Greece, and Cyprus for…
Not only adults and families with children try to reach Europe to start a better life but also youngsters and even children arrive in Europe without the guidance of a par…
The Regenerate and Innovate: Social Impact Volunteering for Youth (RISIV) project is a transnational partnership between France, Spain, Portugal, the UK, Italy and Cyprus…
Including children for a better and more child-friendly case-handling, procedure and enforcement of decision in cross-border family disputes. Το Πρόγραμμα INCLUDE στοχεύε…