REBOOT NOW is a child-centered transnational piloting initiative aimed at preventing combating gender-based violence (GBV) among children/young people by supporting their…
Enhancing children’s participation through Digital Complaints and Reporting (Children Digi-CORE) is a project between Italy (University Degli Studi di Torino, Associazion…
Formalising the European Barnahus Movement through establishing training in Europe and a formal network. This project aims to ensure a systematic, accelerated, and sustai…
CARE project aims at investigating what is the trauma that children may experience during the processes of investigation, removal and out-of-home placement and what can f…
Including children for a better and more child-friendly case-handling, procedure and enforcement of decision in cross-border family disputes. Το Πρόγραμμα INCLUDE στοχεύε…
Main Objectives All children, adolescents and youth around the world, especially those who have been victims of sexual violence and abuse, should enjoy the rights conferr…
Commitment and Capacity Building for the European Barnahus Movement. Main Objectives When a child is exposed to harm, a number of different actors have a duty to safeguar…
Project scope: IA-CHILD: Procedural safeguards of accused or suspected children – Improving the implementation of the right to individual assessment aims at exploring the…
The CAN-MDS II project targets to: ensure the availability of necessary resources, training modules & toolkits for building the capacity of professionals working with…
Project info: BASE addresses the need to counteract GBV against refugee/migrant girls through the development and sustainability of strategies to nurture inclusive commun…
Main Objectives Within the juvenile justice context, minors face, in some cases, difficulties in understanding their rights and legal duties, caused by the use of a too c…
Main Objectives Over the last two decades, the flow of migrants and refugees, the expansion of trafficking and the sudden rise in hate crimes have created a new environme…
Main Objectives Physical violence against children and youth has serious negative impact on their personality. In particular, Corporal Punishment (CP) is largely ignored…