“5 Shades of Blue” is a one year European project providing a training course on project management focused on migration. It is inspired by the colour of the sea and by t…
At-risk youth transitioning into Adulthood through social Circus Training (CIRCUS A.C.T.) aims at easing the transition into adulthood of youth at-risk of social exclusio…
Engaging diaspora and migrant COMMunities in the protection of the rIghTs of the child (COMMIT) is a transnational project involving organizations from four European coun…
Creative empowerment for Europe’s disadvantaged youth. The new European project “Bigtime Takeover aims at empowering young people to use their creativity and the potentia…
Voices for respect, celebrating difference, and tackling hate (YCreate) is a Strategic Partnership between the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, Greece, and Cyprus for…
Not only adults and families with children try to reach Europe to start a better life but also youngsters and even children arrive in Europe without the guidance of a par…
The Regenerate and Innovate: Social Impact Volunteering for Youth (RISIV) project is a transnational partnership between France, Spain, Portugal, the UK, Italy and Cyprus…
FA.B! – FAmily Based care for children in migration is a transnational project aimed at supporting…
Transnational Youth Forum 2022: Climate Change, Global Concerns and impact on the Rights of the Future Generations is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of t…
KEEP ME SAFE: Supporting youth peer development tacking sexual abuse (2018-3-UK01-KA205-060055): a transnational project bringing together experts from organisations acro…
Project info: #ATTraCT#: Transnational cooperation and new technologies to train social workers on trafficking in human beings aims to promote, develop and strengthen the…
“Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center together with other 5 partners, CESIE (IT), The Smile of the Child (GR), Gender Alternatives (BG), Westminster City Council (UK), Se…
The overall aim of CREUS Project is to provide a new approach focusing on ‘unconventional spaces’ to support the transversal skills of disadvantaged and unemployed young…
INTEGRA addresses the need to equip residential care professionals to successfully support the social and professional integration of minors leaving care-systems. This wi…
The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects in their own countr…
Project info Scope and objective: The project will develop a new model of European youth empowerment to tackle racism, xenophobia and discrimination aimed at migrants. A…