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CREUS. “Developing and nurturing the vocational transversal skills of disadvantaged young people through creative, non-formal learning in unconventional spaces”

The overall aim of CREUS Project is to provide a new approach focusing on ‘unconventional spaces’ to support the transversal skills of disadvantaged and unemployed young people (16-24 years-old) to maximize their potential in terms of fostering social, cultural and economic inclusion through access to initial VET and labor markets. Its specific objectives are the followings:

  • To design and test new structured non-formal learning activities for disadvantaged young people delivered via tutor and peer support in ‘unconventional spaces’, as opposed to the classroom;
  • To create an innovative series of intellectual outputs that will support tutors, trainers and peer mentors who use cultural learning in non-formal contexts and 'unconventional spaces’ to engage disadvantaged young people;
  • To develop transversal and transferable skills for disadvantaged young people in order to get access to Vocational Educational and Training (VET) system and employment.

For more information, please visit the project's website at http://www.creuseurope.org/

Funding reference

CREUS is a project co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission (ref. 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036681)

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