CAN-MDS II – ‘Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect via a Minimum Data Set: from planning to practice’
The CAN-MDS II project targets to:
- ensure the availability of necessary resources, training modules & toolkits for building the capacity of professionals working with/for children in reporting & registering CAN cases;
- pilot the CAN-MDS system in real conditions at different levels in 6 Member States for testing the extent the system is able to;
- improve cooperation of professionals within & between child wellbeing- sectors, increase reporting & facilitate the administration of CAN cases;
- provide at a case level comprehensive & reliable data essential to inform prevention, identification, reporting, referral, investigation, treatment, judicial involvement & follow-up;
- provide at a population level aggregated data essential to identify trends, measure responses & feed into policy development;
- Preparation of training material and toolkits; conduction of a series of 40 capacity building activities; pilot usage of CAN-MDS system in real conditions and dissemination of projects’ results.
Funding reference:
The CAN-MDS II project is co-financed by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme of the European Commission (Ref. REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2017).
For more information please visit the CAN-MDS II website on