CARE – Leaving with care – Living with care
CARE project aims at investigating what is the trauma that children may experience during the processes of investigation, removal and out-of-home placement and what can first responders, such as social workers, police officers, medical practitioners and helpline operators, do in order to reduce this trauma.
Specific objectives of CARE project include:
- Promotion of inter-sectoral coordination, cooperation and mutual understanding among public authorities, NGOs and educational institutions on trauma-informed responses to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) during these processes,
- Improvement of the first responders’ skills, capacities and practices on trauma-informed practices and responses,
- Enhancement of the awareness of teachers about the effects of trauma on children,
- Empowerment of children in residential care and improvement of child participation,
- Exchange of good practices and experiences among different EU countries.
Main activities to reach these objectives contemplate:
- Establishment of national expert working groups with the participation of experts from police, prosecutors, social services, medical and nursing staff, residential care providers, helpline operators and teachers,
- Development of European Set Trauma – Informed Approaches,
- Training of first responders (social workers, police officers, medical practitioners, helpline operators),
- Integration and evaluation of ACE/Trauma-informed approaches,
- Policy recommendations handbook,
- Awareness raising documentary with children voices.
The project is funded by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme of the European Commission (Ref. REC-AG-2019 / REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2019/881561).