• info@uncrcpc.org


REBOOT NOW is a child-centered transnational piloting initiative aimed at preventing combating gender-based violence (GBV) among children/young people by supporting their psychological well-being through an evidence-based replicable service, with their active engagement.

The project will design and implement psychological counseling desks at schools to support the recovery of young people and families from difficulties arose from measures against Covid-19 pandemic, through positive actions that support well-being, mental health and capacity of young people for building up healthy relationships.

It will build on the capacity of schools and families in prevention and identification of at risk cases of teen-dating violence through targeted educational activities (workshops, awareness-raising campaigns and training) in schools and engage older peers (aged 15-18) to further support the prevention of GBV among young people (aged 10-14).

Funding reference: The Project is funded under Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Program of the European Commission. (Project 101049567-CERV-2021-DAPHNE

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